[字幕付き] The Japanese Toilet 外国人の苦手なところー和式トイレ

Always updating with little things on the blog, so feel free to check it out and leave me a commeeeeent! ;))
In this video I reveal my fears about Japanese Style Toilets, how I can never ever bring myself to use them, and how I’m wondering if there are Japanese people who feel the same way, or if it’s just a big culture gap that I’ll probably never be able to get a foot on either side of.. (The toilet itself, is a metaphor.. )
そうです。恥ずかしいですけど、私は日本の和式トイレなかなか使えないものです! あなたも、苦手なことありますか? いろな意見知りたいので、是非、コメントで答えてください!
Please watch: “How To Make Japanese Nabe | カレー鍋を作ってみた”
